Phillip A. Batz Wiki

A "Stance" is a particular organizing principle or "center" of a Logic, formal or informal, which is used as a perceptual or cognitive framework. Stances can be used singularly or in combination, and can include such examples as:

  • Intentional Stance (What do I want for myself? What is my goal?)
  • Social Stance (The modelling of the Intentional Stances of other parties in a Society)
  • Metaphysical/Epistemological Stance (What is within my capability of knowledge and accomplishment, in view of my own existence as a natural phenomenon? What does it mean to be human, and what is my resulting grasp of reality?)
  • Ontological Stance (An awareness of the observer's origins as a System within an environment, originating as a composition of disparate elements of that same environment in an earlier and simpler state)
  • Existential Stance (The current context in depth; not just the physical environment, but any additional considerations of context as well)

  • Homeostatic Stance (The implications of current and future well-being, or continuity of System organization)
  • Genetic Stance
  • Perceptual Stance
  • Representational Stance
  • Observational Stance 
  • Intuitive Stance (Everyday Automaticity)
  • Executive Stance (Goals, Dreams, Vision, Leadership, and Innovation)

  • Meaning
  • Sense 
  • Truth

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